Daughterly Duty The Third One of “Three Major Spanish Resort Hotels That I Want to Stay”(Hotel Shima Spain Mura), and I Finally Went to All of Them!
3D Figures of 3D PETSHOP My Third 3D Figure Is Finally Completed! Made by a Company Introduced on NHK Ohayo Nippon’s “Machikado Johoshitsu”
Animated-Story This was the story of a small dog that kept watching the bonds of a family (Episode 2)
Daughterly Duty The First Year of Reiwa, Hawaii Trip with My Mother (A Trip of Great Encounters DAY-1)
Dog Lovers Showed the video “The Story of My Family and Our Beloved Dog” at Veterinary Grief Care Forum For Pet Owners in Kyoto
Daughterly Duty The First Year of Reiwa, Hawaii Trip with My Mother (A Trip of Great Encounters DAY-2)